The UN Country Office based in Dar Es Salaam (Tanzania) inaugurated early August 2019 the Solar Hybrid Power System designed, supplied, installed and commissioned by Enviroearth and its local partner ...
Meet us at EGU from 8th to 12th of April 2019. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2019 Vienna, Austria ENVIROEARTH is partnership of SEISMOWAVE, global leader for the supply of infraso...
The topics on networking problems, including the impact of PV on infrastructure network and systems services, technology solutions for smart grids and microgrids type, energy management and storage an...
June 2016: Enviroearth become sponsors of the NGO WeForest whose objective is to fight against climate change through reforestation. Enviroearth wants to be part of the projects implemented by the NO ...
03/21 au 03/23 : Participation at Dihad, Dubai International Humanitarian Aid and Development Exhibition and Conference Enviroearth displays two types of low-carbon technologies dedicated to energy a...